Play The Relay Jam

Since we started hosting community game jams, we’ve seen the rise of talented developers who (given little time) have created some wonderful games. Watching them grow in skill and confidence as they explore their creativity has been one of the most satisfying things we’ve done so far.

That’s why we threw them all in a blender and made a bizarre smoothie, using all of their talents combined.


Officially the 50th Game Jam Title produced under our series, The Relay Jam is an amalgamation of 21 unique developers, each having only 24 hours to contribute.

Over their three weeks of development, the developers followed their schedule, collaborated effectively, and produced a functional game with a lot of heart.

The end result is a little strange and a little crazy, but (mostly) coherent, and a lot of fun to play through.

It’s an honour to present it to you now. Please enjoy.